Patron Spotlight: Tara Carver

About Tara

Tara is not only a fabulous Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant living a dream life on the islands, but also the author and creator of popular travel and lifestyle blog Babe on a Mish. She loves to travel, cook, surf and write about her adventures!

Tara recently interview Jetlagged Comic on her blog and named me "Babe on  Mish of the Month"! Read the full interview here.

What is the Babe on a Mish blog all about??

(excerpt taken directly from

Who is Babe on a Mish?...

She’s a woman or man inside all of us…

a drive, a determination. For now in this context my name is Tara, a 30 something single (as in not married) woman, Florida native now living in Honolulu, HI (since 2004), with a career as a flight attendant. I’m your babe next door, when I’m home.. jus living for the next swell, my next trip, and that every day mishhh. I’ve always wanted a blog and never realized it was so attainable.. as I'm a product of dial up.. shhh

Here you will find a collection of easy recipes, workouts, personal style, a few of my life hacks, and flight attendant tips!

I live where the world vacations but that doesn’t mean I'm always on vacay.. but I am always on some kind of a mission..

Hope you’ll enjoy my lil space of REAL life.. making the most of every moment.. with a filter.. because WTFN?

stay, read, and play a while


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